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The Vaccines Tickets

Indie quartet The Vaccines have left many in the music industry frothing at the mouth with excitement since they bounded onto the scene with a YouTube clip of track If You Wanna. The clip sparked the attention of Franz Ferdinand managers Supervision, and ignited a whirlwind of positive press and blog coverage, which continues to this day.

Frontman Justin Young had found minor success with indie folk project Jay Jay Pistolet, coming to the fore alongside friends Laura Marling, Noah & The Whale and one time flatmate Marcus Mumford. Failing to hit the heights of his counterparts Young decided to change style, forming The Vaccines with Freddie Cowan, who had played live with his brother Tom's band The Horrors in the past. Icelandic bass player Arni Hjorver and drummer Pete Robertson soon completed the line up.

The Vaccines Dates & Tickets



04 Nov


Bath Forum

On sale at 10:00am on Friday 2nd August

On Sale Soon

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