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Sir Willard White Tickets

“Willard White has become synonymous with the role of Porgy: his commanding presence yet noble vulnerability captures the character perfectly – and what a voice!” MusicWeb International

Bath Philharmonia
Bath Camerata

Sir Willard White   BASS BARITONE
Gweneth Ann Jeffers   SOPRANO
Jason Thornton   CONDUCTOR

Gershwin   Porgy & Bess – Concert Suite
Dvorak   Symphony No 9 ‘From the New World’

Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess might just be the Great American Opera, with a score that includes such well-loved numbers such as Summertime, I got plenty o’ nuttin, It ain’t necessarily so and Bess, you is my woman now.Sir Willard White’s portrayal of Porgy is justly famed. Joined by the superb Gweneth Ann Jeffers plus full chorus and orchestra, and paired with Dvorak’s evergreen New World symphony, offers a rousing conclusion to this year’s Festival.

Sir Willard White is one of the most versatile and most loved opera stars of the past 40 years. He has performed in the most prestigious opera houses and concert halls around the world, collaborating with conductors, directors and orchestras of the highest calibre. He was last seen at the Bath International Music Festival in 2011 in Robeson Re-Explored, which was rapturously received by a full capacity audience. We are delighted to welcome Sir Willard back to Bath, performing with Bath’s own professional orchestra, the Bath Philharmonia, and the acclaimed Bath Camerata.

Bath Philharmonia is one of the leading professional orchestras in the South West. Its players are some of the finest and most experienced orchestral musicians in Britain and led by Music Director Jason Thornton.

Bath Camerata began in 1986, when ex-Kings Singer Nigel Perringathered together a group of singers from the Bath area to see what could be achieved with West Country talent. Among the things achieved was winning the national Choir of the Year competition.

Supported by The Roper Family Charitable Trust.

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