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Prince Tribute - Endorphinemachine Tickets

In 2016 we lost Prince, one of the most prolific and controversial musical icons of all time. It seems there's nothing this man couldn't do, and because there was only one PRINCE, there's only one Prince tribute band...

Prince Tribute EndorphinMachine

The nine piece EndorphinMachine is made up of amazing musicians who all have one thing in common - they are huge fans of the music. This love is clear to see and hear when the band perform. Fast becoming known as 'the tightest live band out there,' they play with a passion that is undeniable. You won't believe your ears once the music starts. Jaw breaking high notes, screams and high heels, wailing guitar solos, Linn drums, loops, funky bass, live horns, and that famous 'purple' sense of humor.

Prince Tribute - Endorphinemachine Dates & Tickets

Sorry, we don't have any Prince Tribute - Endorphinemachine tickets on sale at the moment.

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