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Julian Cope's Compendium Tickets

An Expedition into the Rock ’n’ Roll Underwerld with Julian Cope, including live set, DJ set, and film screening.


JULIAN COPE and LEE BRACKSTONE, author and patron, discuss the worldview of his new book COPENDIUM, a feast of obscure and neglected masterworks which takes energy, originality and heaviness as its bearings. 


THE BLACK SHEEP'S DE LA O presents music from the 131 SOUNDTRACK, a sneak preview of the musical soundtrack of Julian Cope's forthcoming novel '131'. 


SLOMO play a live set of peak ambient doom from the Pennines. Julian returns to present Copendium as revealed through YouTube. 


We conclude with a screening of FIDO'S BLUES - 'awesome', wrote Jon Savage, upon viewing this highly disorientating Black Sheep road movie.

Julian Cope's Compendium Dates & Tickets

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