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Casey Abrams Tickets

Casey and his trusty bassy will be bringing the California sunshine across the pond along with some very special guests!

Casey has been going viral on social media with his original songs and jazz covers, reaching over 50 million views on Instagram, and his Post Modern Jukebox hits racking up over 100 million views on YouTube. Come see what all the hype is about for yourself when you see him live!

Casey likes to break the fourth wall and bring the audience in on his musical journey. With his upright bass, he can make himself and the instrument and sound like a whole orchestra. He will have you dancing, make you laugh and marvel at his versatility and talent.

Having packed out some of the UK’s biggest venues as part of an ensemble act, Casey is excited to play his music for a UK crowd this summer the first time as a solo artist, and share his love for performance with you!

Casey Abrams Dates & Tickets

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