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Bombino Tickets

Every year or so world music throws up a new global star in the making and 2013 looks like being Tuareg guitar genius Omara "Bombino" Moctar's year. Born and raised in Niger, Bombino is a member of the nomadic Tuareg Ifoghas tribe. His stunning new album, Nomad, has met with overwhelming critical acclaim and showcases Bomino's maturing songwriting skills alongside his sweet vocals and scintillating guitar playing.  Produced by Dan Auerbach from The Black Key's who has brought a little gnarly garage crunch to Bombino's  rolling desert blues to create an early contender for 'album of the year'

Bombino and his band are stunning live, so lovers of guitar and blues music should get in the queue with world music fans for one of the gigs of the season.

Bombino Dates & Tickets

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