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Radio Banska Tickets

INSTRUMENTAL QUINTET Radio Banska play a stunning array of genre-defying Latin, east European, middle easternand fusion compositions delivered with passion and style. They will take you on an exciting tour of musical influences from around the world, from Morocco, Jamaica and Buenos Aires to Paris, Budapest and the Balkans.


“..with numbers that speed up to drive dancers into ecstasy, haunting, exotic minor key melodies, unusual time signatures, it is music to dance to, it’s a celebration. The rhythm section of Tosh on double bass and drummer Mark Whitlam are what make Radio Banska an extraordinarily powerful band, a kind of Levantine Zeppelin … the whole band is terrific, worth seeing for their musicianship alone"

Charley Dunlap, Listomania



“I spend hours listening to world music of all kinds, every continent, every genre, and very rarely does a disc make me sit up the way this one did ….unexpectedly enchanting, and for my money probably the release of the year"

Kevin Darling-Finan, BBC West



“Just been listening to the album – lovely stuff!”

John Etheridge, jazz guitarist

Radio Banska Dates & Tickets

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