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Kid British Tickets

According to their MySpace page... "Kid British create their own noise by mixing a bit of this with a bit of that and ending up with one big fat MANKY sandwich. A tasty shank of old school ska and dancehall, a generous twist of indie (be rude not to rudeboy!) a light splash of reggae, and garnished with a juicy slice of electro pop - voila! these lads whip up a tune as easy as Jamie Oliver making a meal out of the contents of a student's fridge. Their music is said to sound like a stretchy, goo-ey mixture of The Specials... Outkast... Madness... De La Soul... Gorillaz... The Streets and Blur. At a time when musicians take music way too seriously - these boys are gonna put the fun back into listening to tunes."

Kid British Dates & Tickets

Sorry, we don't have any Kid British tickets on sale at the moment.

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