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    Night & All Dayer

    Night & All Dayer

    The time is suddenly right for well-crafted British pop - there’s a thirst for new century psychedelia which is where London 5 piece SULK fit in. Steeped in the rich traditions of classic British songwriting, the band could be said to begin where the 90s ended - or as The Guardian put it, ‘like the Stone Roses if they signed to Creation’ - with solid musicality, joyful uplifting harmonies, giant psychedelic guitar riffs and of course, tambourines.


    i-D Magazine said they were a ‘Five piece with a soaring British sound, full of attitude and swagger”, NME called them ‘Pretty damn catchy’ and they’ve been compared to just about every great Britpop band of the 90s, but SULK are very much their own men; musically tight and lyrically beautiful with sun-drenched vocals, ethereal guitars and pounding drums, rooted in 90s vibes but with their gaze to the future. This is anthemic bliss for a whole new generation.


    Their new album Graceless comes out in Spring 2013 and sees SULK poised to make a real impact on the Indie scene. Graceless was recorded and produced in Brussels by former Suede, Pulp and White Lies associate Ed Buller and mixed by Jonas Verwijnen and Antti Joas in Berlin.


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