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Move 78 Tickets

Move 78 is a Berlin-based band that blends improvised jazz with drum-heavy hip-hop, creating a unique symbiosis between live instrumentation and technology. The core lineup includes Doron Segal (keyboards), Nir Sabag (drums), Hal Strewe (bass), Meravi Goldman (French horn), and Aver (sampler/production), alongside collaborations with artists like Douniah, Aquiles Navarro, and Eric Owusu. Move 78’s music emerges through an evolving process of experimentation, erasure, and reconstruction, much like visual art disciplines. Their albums, including The Algorithm Smiles Upon You, Automated Improvisation, and Grains, seamlessly fuse free-flowing jazz with programmed hip-hop beats, showcasing both organic and machine-driven elements. Tracks often feature creative techniques such as granular synthesis, layered sampling, and deliberate omissions to preserve an improvised vibe. Collaborating with musicians from the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the band explores genres and textures ranging f rom funk-inspired grooves to psychedelic soundscapes, all while integrating real and computer-generated orchestrations. Move78 head to Manchester’s Band on the Wall on Thursday 24th April for an awaiting performance.

Move 78 Dates & Tickets



24 Apr


Manchester The Copper Bar at Band on the Wall

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