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McGoldrick, McCusker & Doyle Tickets

Folk music’s legendary triumvirate of musical magpies Mike McGoldrick, John Doyle and John McCusker are on tour again this November. Mike, John & John will bring you their own blend of top -class folk songs, tunes and charming bonhomie.

With their vast repertoire, this will be an evening to remember. Described as the masters of flute, fiddle, song and guitar they have worked with the biggest and brightest and bring you a night of beautifully crafted music.

Having shared stages and recording studios with everyone from Bob Dylan and Mark Knopfler to Paul Weller, Joan Baez and Linda Thompson, Mike, John & John are a rare musical treat you’ll savour for a very long time.


"The Wishing Tree is exceptional and has to be a front-runner for album of the year" - Folk Radio

"A sparklingly tight programme... an excellent sound balance... never tiresome" - The Scotsman

"It takes a lifetime of playing to sound as effortless as these guys" -The Herald

"What an absolute pleasure to share in their warmth, intimacy and richly talented company" -


100 minutes, plus interval.

McGoldrick, McCusker & Doyle Dates & Tickets

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