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Hip Hop Hooray Tickets

Love acts like Dr Dre, Jay Z, Eminem, Outcast, Eve, Blackstreet & Mary J. Blige? Then this one's for you!

Hip Hop Hooray, the inimitable 7 piece party band hailing from Newcastle, perform cover versions of classic hip hop from the 80’s to now. Their raucous versions of hip hop and R&B’s biggest hits have been filling dance floors and hearts for the best part of a decade.

Playing across the nation at public and private events for the last ten years the band have honed and mastered a set that has shaken hundreds of venues and rocked thousands of people. From festivals, through VIP private events and high end corporate parties, to sold out O2 Academy shows.

The band have built a reputation for creating an atmosphere at their shows that is truly unique and unparalleled - and if you know about them, you know what I’m talking about

Hip Hop Hooray Dates & Tickets

Sorry, we don't have any Hip Hop Hooray tickets on sale at the moment.

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