Goldie Lookin’ Chain (GLC) is a group of Welsh rappers that produce humorous and satirical hip-hop music. The group’s first album, “Don’t Blame The Chain”, was released on CD-R in 2001, although their first single “Half Man Half Machine / Self Suicide” wasn’t released until April 2004. Since then, their singles have included their breakthrough hit “Guns Don’t Kill People, Rappers Do”, pub singalong “Your Mother (’s Got A Penis)”, Welsh Valentine serenade “You Knows I Loves You”, “Your Missus Is A Nutter” and “R’n’B”.
Their first major album release, “Greatest Hits”, was released in the US as “Straight Outta Newport”, minus the tracks ‘Maggot’ and ‘You Knows I Loves You’. In 2006 GLC formed their own record label, Gold Dust Records which will release their future records.