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    This is a general admission event

    Amputee Cup Final in partnership with England Amputee Football Association

    On the day you will need to produce a copy of your e-ticket and exchange this for a wristband which will gain admittance to the final you have a ticket for.

    If you purchase tickets to more than one game, then multiple wristbands will be issued. The Wristband Exchange will be located outside the Futsal Hall and directional signage will be displayed across St. Georges Park. Our friendly team of FA Disability Cup staff will also be ready to welcome you and to direct you to the correct area on the day.

    A limited number of accessible places are available for each of the finals. Upon completion of your purchase please forward your confirmation e-mail to ben.straw@limelightsports.com advising of any special requirements so that we can ensure these needs are catered for on the day.

    The details for this show are subject to change, please try back later for updated information.

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