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    Elio Pace

    Elio Pace

    Elio was born in Woking, Surrey, in 1968 of Italian parents. He showed early signs of natural musical talent when he started to sing and play the piano at the age of four. Throughout his childhood he developed his ear for music as well as his love of rock & roll. He had his first ‘proper’ piano lesson at the age of eleven achieving the highest qualification of Grade 8 by the time he was seventeen.

    Elio went on to train at the Leeds College of Music, and in 1988, singing and playing his own songs, he reached the final of Bob Says Opportunity Knocks on BBC TV, which led to numerous radio and television appearances including, Wogan, Michael Barrymore’s Saturday Night Out and The Les Dawson Show with Shirley Bassey and Randy Crawford. In 1989, he starred in his own 30-minute documentary about his life and music, as part of ITV’s The Music Makers.

    Elio has toured the UK in the original casts of Tutti Frutti, Great Balls Of Fire and Dancing In The Street. As well as appearing in, he has also been Musical Director on many shows including Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (as the Pharaoh), West Side Story (as Tony); five DGM productions, Rave On, Summer In The City, Itchycoo Park, Hold Tight It’s 60’s Night and Hold Tight It’s 70’s Night, and for Bill Kenwright, Thank You For The Music in which Elio appeared as Elton John and Billy Joel.


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