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But I'm a Cheerleader Tickets

But I’m A Cheerleader: The Musical is the story of Megan, an all-American high school cheerleader who has the perfect life. That is, until she finds out her friends and family suspect her of being a lesbian and send her packing to ‘True Directions,’ a rehabilitation camp to set her straight. It is at this camp, under the strict tutelage of headmistress Mary Brown that Megan meets Graham, a sexy tomboy who shows her exactly what her ‘true direction’ is. Hilarious, irreverent and full of heart, But I’m A Cheerleader: The Musical is a quirky coming-of-age comedy about sexual awakening and self-realization. But I’m A Cheerleader: The Musical, with Book and Lyrics by Bill Augustin and Music by Andrew Abrams, will run from 18 February – 16 April, with press night on 23 February 2022.

But I'm a Cheerleader Dates & Tickets

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