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Bluedot Festival Tickets


It is with a heavy heart that we inform you we are unable to accommodate Sunday day ticket holders to bluedot festival today, Sunday 23rd July. If you are a Sunday day ticketholder please do not travel to bluedot today.

Weekend ticketholders currently at Jodrell Bank are unaffected; it has been determined that while muddy, the arena ground condition allows us to go ahead with our plans for today’s programme but only for people already here at the festival.

We’ve had an unprecedented amount of rainfall over the past 7 days that has seen the water level reach saturation point during the night, rendering our day ticket holder car park, pick-up and drop-off point and entrances impassable due to standing water.

We have worked hard this weekend and throughout last night, laying over 1.5km of additional track mat and track way, 130 tonnes of sustainably sourced wood chip and bringing multiple trucks on site to pump out standing water.

However despite our continued work throughout the weekend it has reached the point where it is not possible to accommodate further audience vehicles on site.

Refunds of day tickets will of course be issued. More information will be shared in the next 48 hours.

We have done everything within our power to accommodate people planning to come to bluedot on Sunday. The bluedot vision is borne of a love of sharing extraordinary moments of wonder, exploration and celebration with our strong community and we were proud to be welcoming you today to something we hold very dear to our hearts. We are very sad we can not share this with people who were due to arrive today. Thank you for your understanding.

Bluedot Festival Dates & Tickets

Sorry, we don't have any Bluedot Festival tickets on sale at the moment.

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