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    Anna Calvi

    Anna Calvi

    Anna Calvi, hailed as "the best thing since Patti Smith" by Brian Eno, as well as being included on the BBC's Sound of 2011 list, the hype surrounding London-born Anna came to fruition during late 2010.
    Gaining critical acclaim among music journalists, Calvi drew comparisons with the passionate and brooding musicianship of the likes of Nick Cave and Polly Jean Harvey. The dense and rich musical influences that inhabit Calvi's world are broad and distinctive strokes of sultry flamenco, smoke-filled blues, and seductive goth pop/rock.
    Adding to this tapestry of influences, Calvi has claimed to have been inspired by the films of David Lynch, Gus Van Sant, and Wong Kar Wai; the cinematic element to her music contributes a mysterious and unyielding undercurrent to her work.

    Live, Annahas adopted an intimate backing band consisting of Mally Harpaz on guitar, harmonium and percussion, and Daniel Maiden on drums, and the results are often overwhelmingly epic.

    Welcome to the magical world of Anna Calvi - a place where beauty and darkness conspire and collide, where untamed emotions conquer and consume.


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