Copper Box Arena

Copper Box Arena
Regulations Governing Admission of Spectators

1. The management reserves the right to refuse admission to any person without reason being given.
2. All persons entering the arena must pay for admission and be in possession of a valid ticket or pass at all times and made available if requested.
3. GLL, its servants, agents or employees, are not under any liability whatsoever in respect of loss or damage to personal property, however caused.
4. All persons admitted to the grounds will obey any orders, instructions or directions given to them by staff or agents.
5. The obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances, stairways and like places is strictly forbidden.
6. No unauthorised persons are permitted to enter the field of play or performance area.
7. Betting of all kinds is strictly prohibited.
8. The making of any kind of unauthorised noise and the use of radio equipment, musical instruments, horns, hooters and the such like are strictly prohibited.
9. Nuisance of any kind, including, foul, abusive or racial language, or all forms of anti-social behaviour is not permitted and may lead to prosecution.
10. Dogs will not be permitted to the Copper Box Arena (police, security and guide dogs for the blind accepted).
11. No unauthorised vendor, collector, hawker or canvasser will be admitted to the Copper Box Arena
12. No food or drink will be permitted.
13. Fire works, smoke canisters, bottles, glasses, cans, flags, banners, poles and other similar articles or containers are banned.
Persons in possession of such an article may be refused entry or ejected from the premises.
14. No camera, sound recording equipment or other photographic apparatus may be brought onto the premises for commercial purposes without permission.
15. GLL operates a no smoking policy throughout the Copper Box Arena including e-cigarettes.
16. The Copper Box Arena operates a No Re-Admission Policy

These regulations are not to be regarded as exclusive and may-be added to by GLL or an event organiser at any time.

Entry to the arena shall be deemed to constitute unqualified acceptance of all the rules and regulations.

A full set of these terms and conditions governing admission of spectators is available upon request.

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, E20 3HB
E20 3HB
020 8221 4900

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