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Sheba Arts Collective Naomi Kalu Tickets

Naomi Kalu, 20, is a two time national and international Champion boxer and singer who plays the guitar, piano, and drums. She has composed original tracks for previous Sheba Festivals, and performed with the Hamza Ensemble at Sheba Fest 22. We have been working with Naomi as our talent development artist in residence since June 2023, supporting her debut album. Naomi has been recording her debut album at Impact Sound Media in Ancoats, Manchester. With mentoring support from Clive Hunte, Naomi will be performing a selection of tracks from her debut album. Our first Sheba House Band has been created to help Naomi perform at her first headline gig.

To learn more about Naomi please visit this page!

Sheba Arts Collective Naomi Kalu Dates & Tickets

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