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    TY Segall

    TY Segall

    Ty Segall is an American musician and songwriter, based in Los Angeles, California. A multi-instrumentalist, Segall is a vocalist, guitarist and drummer. He has released six solo albums and is a member of the bands The Traditional Fools, Epsilons, Party Fowl, Sic Alps, Fuzz, and The Perverts.

    Segall began his recording career as a part-time musician in various underground bands in Orange County and the San Francisco Bay Area, before beginning a solo career in 2008. Segall’s first solo release was the cassette Horn The Unicorn released on the Wizard Mountain label (later re-released by HBSP-2X on vinyl record). Around the same time, Wizard Mountain also released a split cassette featuring Segall and the band Superstitions entitled Halfnonagon.

    In 2012, Segall released three LPs: His solo album, Twins; a collaboration with White Fence titled Hair and Slaughterhouse, an album with the Ty Segall Band.


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