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    Jordan McCann

    Jordan McCann

    Hailing from Salford (UK), Jordan is loud and proud about his roots and hard upbringing. A master of storytelling, Jordan portrays the pain he has suffered through the lyrics in his raps, displaying realism which fans can relate to and respect.

    Jordan began his musical journey back in 2018 whilst in prison, writing bars to pass the time. He came out and released ‘Lifestyle’, a track that resonated with rap fans and helped build the strong, loyal fan base he has today.

    Since then, Jordan has had collaborations with Morrison and Bad Boy Chiller Crew along with freestyles for Mixtape Madness and P110, where his ‘Trendsetter’ created an instant classic in the ‘pain rap’ genre. 2022 is looking like a promising year for Jordan as he aims on bringing new music to the fans' ears - Abbey Road Studios hosted Jordan’s writing camp where he worked with award-winning artists and producers to help take his sonics to the next level. You can expect to see a lot more of Jordan in the months to come so keep your eyes peeled because you don’t want to miss what he’s got cooking.



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