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Eli 'Paperboy' Reed Tickets

Eli "Paperboy" Reed is an American singer.

The first song written and recorded for Eli “Paperboy” Reed’s new album, Nights Like This, is called “Shock to the System." It will, he’s sure, be something of a shock to some of his fans’ systems. It was a bit of a shock to his, too. That was the whole idea.

After two years of touring behind his 2010 album Come and Get It he’d achieved the epitome of the soul-roots artistry he’d sought since starting out as a Boston teen prodigy. It was time to do something different, something ... more. Now living in Brooklyn, the epicenter of the New Soul movement, Reed, along with his longtime collaborator and guitarist Ryan Spraker, decided to take a trip to Los Angeles to try to break some new musical ground. They scheduled a whirlwind trip of sessions that ran the gamut stylistically; from hip-hop producer and beat maker Rich Skillz to Ricky Reed of the electro-pop band Wallpaper and more. That very first session that produced "Shock" was with Michael Fitzpatrick (Fitz of New Soul exponent Fitz & The Tantrums) and Rock producer Dave Bassett.

Eli 'Paperboy' Reed Dates & Tickets

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