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The Fulltone Orchestra Tickets

Prepare to be swept away on an unequalled music journey as majestically large Fulltone Orchestra scores an event of unparalleled magnitude. Picture this: imposing orchestras gracing the stage with their grandeur, three extraordinary voices weaving a tapestry of sound, and the timeless melodies of classical and cinematic hall of fame music resonating in the air! The sheer spectacle will leave you breathless, your senses heightened, and an insatiable desire to relive the magic again and again!

In an evening curated by The Fulltone Orchestra, the stage will come alive with the enchanting presence of Classical Brit Nominee Carly Paoli, whose sumptuous voice will touch your soul. Joining her is Gareth Dafydd Morris from the renowned Welsh National Opera, his voice carrying the power to transport you to new realms. Leading this mesmerizing spectacle is none other than national treasure Aled Jones, a masterful presenter whose artistry adds an extra layer of brilliance to an already stellar lineup.

Fulltone gives you the confidence in the future of music
This is not just an event; it's an unforgettable experience that will captivate every fibre of your being. The Fulltone Orchestra invites you to indulge in a night of sheer musical opulence – an experience that transcends the ordinary and leaves an indelible mark on your soul! Don't miss the chance to be part of this extraordinary journey; your seat awaits, and the magic begins when the first note is played!

The Fulltone Orchestra Dates & Tickets

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